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JUNE 13, 2017--Date the Lennar Project Should Have Been Completed but Instead:


Francesca Pastine <> Tue, Jun 13, 2017, 10:28 AM

to Randolph, Jeff, SFPDMissionStation, deirdre.hussey, mayoredwinlee, Hillary.Ronen, rachel.gordon, laura.wenus

Yesterday, people were doing drugs at this site. Today they are running a chop shop. These are not just homeless people, they are criminals. I was at the police station all last night trying to make a report to no avail because the police could care less. I can't focus on the class I'm suppose to teach tonight because I am so upset that criminals are wheeling and dealing outside my front door. You people are now going to introduce 120 homeless in my neighborhood, many of whom will be criminals, drug addicts, alcoholics, and have mental conditions. This is day 4 of this regrouped encampment with no response from the city or the police. It is totally unacceptable. I demand accountability. You have an obligation to to the immediate neighbors of the proposed navigation center to get your sorry asses down here and meet with us. You are acting like trump republicans too scared to meet with their constituents. Your absolute dismissive conducts in regards to the people who live and work in the Inner Mission is absolutely reprehensible. We have no rights to basic security and quality of life. What is the problem with you people?


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