February 6, 2021
Dear Supervisor Ronen,
There is yet another large tent across the street from the Safe Sleeping Area that takes up the entire sidewalk. If it persists, I guarantee you, others will follow. Since 2016 the encampments in our neighborhood have been relentless. Allowing neighbors to use the 311 app to have tents removed alleviated the situation somewhat but now, since January, when JeffKositsky abandoned that policy there has been another explosion of encampments.
I have spilled a lot of ink to try to help you understand what it is like to live in a neighborhood where your policies and neglect have created what can only be described as third-world conditions. You don’t seem to get it. This neighborhood started going down hill during Campos’ tenure, but you have only made it worse by neglecting it, blocking development, encouraging encampments, and allowing bad behavior to persist on our sidewalks.
I believe that you forget that there are actual people who are working, trying to raise families, and struggling to live in a neighborhood that, thanks again to your policies, is completely blighted. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. My words over the years have not moved you so perhaps this altered image may give you an idea of what it is like when you allow encampments, garbage and illegal dumping, and out-of-control drinking in front of our homes. Imagine how you would feel if you had to confront these conditions every time you stepped out of your front door.
Recently, the enormous encampment between Virgil and South Van Ness on 26th Street persisted for almost two months! You have again used the 1515 South Van Ness property to locate the wreckage of your failed homeless policy (a property that should have been developed in 2017). You steamrolled a city-developed nine-story building on a very narrow Shotwell Street at Cesar Chavez with no consideration of the neighborhood architecture or height limits (It looms over us like an oppressive monster. It could have been a nice six-story design that enhanced the area but...I guess we don't deserve better). We have asked you to start an educational campaign to help alleviate the trash and illegal dumping in our neighborhood to no avail. We have asked you to do an independent socio-economic study in the area but you prefer to blindly pursue your agenda.
It has been the endless work of the Mission Neighborhood Association that has helped cap the damage that your policies create in our community. I don't want to have to write angry letters, it takes an enormous amount of my time and has actually hurt my career and financial situation, but it's either that or the neighborhood would be even worse. I again implore you to do what any other city official would do-- have some concern for the community that your constituents have to live their day-to-day lives in.
Francesca Pastine